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I am native of Turkish,born in Bursa city from stone extractor family dealing since 1942 in the stone sector, grew up in the natural stone environment.Graduated from U.Univ.Business management Bursa ( 1983 - 1987 )and E.Univ.A.O.F.Int.relations and law ( 1989 - 1995 ) His superior knowledge of the industry and the stones allows to organize perfectly exporting the Turkish stones in quantities direct from the quarries to the world.

2001 diyarbakır cermik quarry

2003 sandstone quarry

Dealing with quarrying,extracting producing and exporting business of natural stones  with 25 years professional experience successfully.

Working not only with own stones but also all Turkish natural stones such as marble,travertine,limestone,onyx,diabase,dolomite,andesite,sandstone,slate,tuff,basalt and all other natural stones with amateur soul.

My aim to expand introduction activities of Turkish natural stone sector all over the world offering stone  products ,one more elegant than another,to you who would like to feel and enjoy the very natural atmosphere created by Turkey's unique stones.

2004 bursa white marble reserves



2003 bilecik harmankaya çilesiz kardeşler rosalia quarry


2004 bursa gemlik diabase quarry




2004 bilecik harmankaya




2003 burdur çamlık travertine quarry